We believe in the positive impact that corporate social responsibility can have on important communities and causes. Each year we collaborate with initiatives that promote social well-being, sustainable development and equality. This practice reinforces our principles of being a responsible and supportive company.

Surf Treino do Bem - ASPI

Social Inclusion Project of the Itajaí Beaches Surf Association, SC - Brazil

Associação Lar Maternal Bom Pastor

High Complexity Social Assistance Institution - Camboriú/SC - Brazil

Bolshoi Theatre School in Brazil

In Joinville - SC/Brazil, it is the only branch of the famous theater outside of Russia.

Hospital do Câncer Uopeccan

Reference in the fight, prevention, studies, and treatment against cancer.

Abel Moda Vôlei

Professional Volleyball Team from Brusque/SC - Brazil

Associação Brusquense de Tênis de Mesa

Table Tennis Association of Brusque/SC - Brazil